Friday, September 30, 2005


Would someone please pick up this cat?

Jump, jump, jump.

It has been a while since we went, so let's all of us meet once more in Cat Town.

Finally, cats with stuff on them. The one with the Whiskas on its noggin is sweet.

Cranial Hair

I believe that today my sideburns are officially the bushiest they've ever been.
Business has led to their neglect.
I'm referring to the obsolete definition of business: The condition of being busy.
These sideburns stick out a considerable distance from my face, and the result is quite the goofy look.

Also, yesterday I forgot to shave so it's a wonder that I still have a job today.

Also also, I did a google image search for "bushy sideburns" and I'm glad I did because it showed me this random thing.

Also also also, one of Merriam-Webster's definitions for business is "a bowel movement."

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Adventures in Text

In the interest of getting this steamboat up and running again, here's a sequence of text messages from last week:

From Drewder- Discretion.
To Drewder- That's good stuff.
From Drewder- What would you know about it?
To Drewder- Oh, about a pool of noodle soup's worth, I'd say.
From Drewder- That's about the best representation of a knowable amount as I've ever heard.
To Drewder- It's nothing, maam. I had the tire and the jack. Just be comfortable, all right? It'll be a minute.
From Drewder- At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day.

I'm going to attempt something of a posting blitzkrieg over the next few days. Who knows if it will actually happen?

In the interest of steamboats, here's Willie.