Friday, August 28, 2009

Blogging without thinking.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a moose before in my life. At least not a live moose. I'd say I'm about 90% sure on that. I might have seen a moose before. I'm not going to lie to you, it's possible.

How about this weather, huh?

I watched the first season of Dexter and cried at the end. My wife thinks I'm weird. Is it strange to feel bad for serial killers?

Who am I expecting to answer such questions?

I spent the last week following a salesman around. I don't really know why. A salesman is something I definitely am not. A bit of a pointless exercise that was.

A bit of a pointless exercise this is. Still I will continue.

Blogger is a bit obsessive compulsive with the frequency of its autosaves. Blogger used to be the big thing in our circle. Not so much anymore.

I have seven dollars in my wallet right now. A five dollar bill and two ones. If you took the average amount of cash I carried around with me on any given day over the past few years, it would be pennies. I don't really refer to one-dollar bills as "singles" but that guy on that one SNL skit did. The fake commercial about the bank that specialized on making change. It was hilarious. If I were more pretentious I wouldn't say "it was hilarious," I'd say "Hilarious, that."

My daughter sits in a laundry basket. Without pants.

The post office really needs to fix my mailbox.


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