Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Deleted Diatribe

On the commentary track for the Simpsons episode "Treehouse of Horror V" David X. Cohen reads the following exchange, which was deleted from his initial script...

Mom, Dad, they're cooking children in the cafeteria!


Dad! Even you don't eat children.

No, unfortunately there are certain laws that we must follow as humans. But I have my dreams. Pan-fried Milhouse, Batter-dipped Milhouse, I've even written up a book of Milhouse recipes. Nothing illegal about that. His parents weren't crazy about it when I showed it to them, but they're small-minded people.

So there's that, of course.

Also, over the last few weeks I watched these movies in succession:
It wasn't until the end that I noticed the trend.

For absolutely no reason, this post is brought to you by Mxyzptlyk.