Friday, September 10, 2004

Mmmmmm boy!

Who's up for a trip to Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, Pennsylvania?

6 lb burger for $23.95.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

I Gotta Have My Pops

I went to the store this weekend with Amy, 'cause we needed some stuff. So we're walking down this aisle and they've got a center display with HUGE boxes of Kellogg's Corn Pops. We'd already picked up two boxes of cereal, which was plenty, but when Amy wasn't looking I grabbed one of the Corn Pops boxes and put it in the cart. And luckily she didn't notice until we were in the checkout line. I hear you lot saying "That was deceptive of you, you shouldn't have done that, you should've asked her." But if I had asked she wouldn't have let me! Maybe I should specify that the box was like 23 ounces and they've got this big graphic on the box that says 40% MORE POPS! What was I supposed to do? Oh, they taste like sweet popcorn, you always want more... Any one of you would've done the same thing and you know it.

Also, six became a reality a couple of days ago. I submit this for your approval:

6. North Oaks Cinema 6; Houston, TX; September 6

And I'm just now noticing the beautiful...symmetry, I guess, of seeing it for the sixth time at a Cinema 6 on September 6. Nice. Driving back to the apartment afterwards, I told Amy that at this point we may as well shoot for double digits. But she dismissed that idea pretty quickly. Bah.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
