Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thank you very much, Space Ghost, for having me on your show.

From Wyoming's Department of Motor Vehicle website:

If you are partial to the photo on your out-of-state license but have set up residence in the Cowboy State, you have up to one year to trade in your license for the Wyoming version.

If I remember correctly, the rule in Texas is that you have to update your license within 30 days of moving. I interpret Wyoming's policy as "if you're hoping to live in our state for less than a year (and we wouldn't blame you) then you don't have to bother getting our driver's license." I figured we wouldn't be so lucky, but I still waited a healthy 14 months to part with my Texas license. (Kudos to Amy who is still holding out and claims that she "can't find" her birth certificate so she can't get a new driver's license).

I thought I'd post a comparison just to show the supremacy of the Texas design.



I seriously considered blurring out that picture... and I probably should have because it's pretty awful. And now I'm trying to remember why I thought this post was gonna be a good idea, I'm just gonna hit publish now.