Monday, February 14, 2005

Ahoy! Minesweeper!

I've got a new entry for my list of Favorite Inventions. #1 is TiVo, #2 is iPod, and now I'm adding Google Maps at #3. You might scoff at the idea of a website as an "invention" but somebody had to come up with that software, and I salute them. I played around with the site for about 5 or 10 minutes earlier, and I'm never going back to Yahoo Maps or Mapquest.

I slept in twice last week. On Tuesday I slept until 6:45 (I normally get up around 6:00) but it was no big deal because I got to work at 8:25 and any arrival before 9:00 is pretty acceptable. But on Thurday I didn't even wake up until 9:00. Stupid alarm clocks, they don't usually fail me, and I don't think I've ever slept a full 3 hours longer than I'd meant to. Definitely not on a weekday. I don't know what that was all about. I made it to the office by 10:00 so it wasn't too bad. I worked through lunch and stayed a little late to make up the time. No harm done. Update your log books.

I don't understand how Minesweeper works. I've always assumed the 99 mines are randomly generated, and then the rest of the squares are filled in with their appropriate numbers, and this happens automatically whenever you start a new game. But if this was true, then I'd think that every once in a while I'd hit a mine on the very first square. This never happens though. I've hit it on the second or third click countless times, but never the first. I demand an explanation.