Thursday, December 04, 2003

That Blonde Kid... 42 total posts and counting....

It's been a while since our last bit of quail info, so that shall be remedied now. Jukkity officials are thrilled to point out that November saw a record number of posts in a single month on That Blonde Kid. Kyle delighted fans nationwide with a grand total of nine posts! (Yes, nine! We counted.) This number beat out Rella's previous high of seven, having posted this number in both October and January of this year. October's total being extra impressive when you consider that these seven posts came in a six-day stint (October 20-25), in what was truly a blaze of quailman glory. It's also worth noting that Kyle did not post on the last twelve days of November, so his record could have been substantially higher if he had only been more focused. But it seems that every time Rella builds up some momentum he decides it's hiatus time. We've yet to witness a month in which he's "on his game" for the full 30 days. But we are certainly not complaining. Perhaps in the quailman's vast wisdom, he feels that unleashing his full power would be too much for us common folk to handle. Still, the thought is tantalizing.

By the way, we're happy to report that we spent some time with Rella this past weekend, and he is indeed alive and doing well. We're sure he appreciates all your inquiries. He seemed in good spirits and was looking dapper as ever.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

They are twins, that is why.

Man, I swear as soon as I get three or four months where I don't have anything to do, I'm gonna spend every minute of each day playing Super Mario Bros 3 until I can do what this guy does (It's a video, so right click and download it). Seriously, I want to be able to do that. Then I'd be super awesome. Just you wait.