Friday, May 28, 2004

Holy Crap

For nearly a year I've had this chair at my computer in my apartment. It was on loan from a friend (I'll call him "Nathan") who was keeping several of them for a while and let me use it because he didn't want it sitting in his garage. Anyway, I'm moving out of that apartment, and the chair is gonna be one of the hardest things to say goodbye to. I'm not exactly sure what my friend - "Nathan" - wants me to do with it. Either return it to his house or pass it along to another friend (probably named "Tucker") who'd like to use it. So today I thought that perhaps I could buy it from Nathan if he didn't want full price for it. But I found it online and the list price is $630.00 (although this site is selling it for less). Yikes. I guess I'll be bidding that chair adieu in a few weeks.


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