Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Everyday like a queen on her trone.

December 14th to January 12th, 4 weeks plus one day, that was Rella's proclaimed "Drought of all time."
January 13th to February 11th (the date of the quailman's last post to today), 4 weeks plus one day. Kyle must think we all love droughts, but (as GellieMan says in Aicha, the greatest homemade music video ever) "Pffffffffffffffff..." Man, these trees need their water nourishment! Good grief.

And without further ado, here's the great rhyme-off of 2004.
Goinjookin: flippitty doo
spykidklc: and a hello to you...too
Goinjookin: i hope you tied your shoe
spykidklc: i did, just for you
Goinjookin: can i see it when you're through?
spykidklc: you'll be one of the few
Goinjookin: will you call us "the crew'?
spykidklc: can we talk about something new?
Goinjookin: how about the zoo?
spykidklc: nah, the animals smell like poo
Goinjookin: just the ones that have the flu
spykidklc: or the one's named lou
Goinjookin: those animals should sue
spykidklc: they can sue? who knew?
Goinjookin: i had an idea or two
spykidklc: i heard the giraffes grew. is this true?
Goinjookin: it's a valid point of view
spykidklc: coo
Goinjookin: that's cheat'n, boo
spykidklc: it was my time, i was due
Goinjookin: in the towel you threw
spykidklc: phew!
Goinjookin: would you like some gum to chew?
spykidklc: no mas, no mas, shoooo shoooo
Goinjookin: let's ride the chatanooga choo choo
spykidklc: for the love of all that is holy, please stop
Goinjookin: noooooooooooooooooooooooo


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