Thursday, January 22, 2004

"You know a lot of people go to college for seven years."
"Yeah, they're called doctors."

Well I just started my final semester, and I was thinking yesterday about the fact that I will have spent 6 years here at college. And I considered that I've been in college for the same length of time that I spent from 7th grade to the end of high school. That really weirds me out. I'm pretty sure that I learned a ton more between 7th and 12th grade, if I absorbed the same amount of knowledge in my years of college as I did in that earlier time period, I'd be a freakin' genius. That's not the case though, oh well. Granted, I took one semester off while I was working in Dallas, plus I switched my major after 3 and a half years, but 6 years is still a crazy long time to be in college.
By the way, the title quote to this post I feel was pretty obvious.


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