Friday, December 03, 2004

Bite me, Murphy's Law

I've got two sets of keys that I keep with me. The first is my normal keychain with house/mailbox/car keys complete with the Prelude keyless entry remote. The second is a simple keyring with two identical keys on it, one opens my office door and one opens the men's bathroom door, which is adjacent to said office door. The office key I rarely need to use, as I am usually the 4th person to arrive in the morning, thus the door is already unlocked when I come in. The key to the bathroom, however is the bane of my existence. As it is identical to the office key, I have no way of differentiating between them other than to look closely at the small numbering etched into the head of each. So everytime I take a trip to the restroom (which amounts to at least four times a day) I just have to stick one of the keys in the lock and hope I get it right on the first try. With the high frequency of my bathroom visits, one would assume that I would guess correctly a fair number of times. But no. The bathroom key is always the 2nd one I try. Always.

Until recently, I haven't thought too much of downtown Houston. I thought it was all right, just nothing special. But I've gotta say that they know how to spruce things up for Christmas. For the last two weeks or so, I've been exiting my building at around 5:35-5:45, so the sun's going down but it hasn't completely set yet. There's enough light in the sky to create a nice mix of blue, gray, and pink. But it's dark enough that the interior office lights of all the skyscrapers really stand out. And the Christmas decorations really make me forget that I'm in south Texas, where the threat of temperatures in the 60s on December 25th is a harsh reality. (I hate warm Christmases. Anything less than 50 degrees I find slightly depressing.) But it's been in the 30s and 40s recently, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it. Anyway, it's really quite sharp, I wish you could see it. in the spirit of Christmas, I've decided I'm going to post the Christmas gifts I plan to buy for certain people. It might spoil the surprise, so click on the links at your own discretion:
He might deny it, but deep down I know Drew wants this.
Bryan will weep for joy when he unwraps this.
I know Brian will appreciate the engineering marvel that is this item.
Jenna has already been told this is coming her way.
Brack's gonna flip for this gift.
I should go ahead and buy this for Amy, so she'll quit begging for it.
And Andrea's gonna look awfully cute wearing this.

If you're not listed, don't worry it just means I'm still looking.

That's it for now. By the way, what's with the universal blog shortage?


Blogger bsilverthorne said...

Maybe you can use one these to help you go potty.

As for the shortage...........................................................I can not think of any good reasons. I think that the rest of us have just become slacking blogers. Blog slackers.

December 03, 2004 4:25 PM  
Blogger bsilverthorne said...

Oh yes. I rather enjoy the [Why don't you go play a game of hide and go F#%& yourself!]attitude towards "Murphy" and that ridikoulous law of hers. What does she know anyway. She was just an un-wed mother trying to make a dollar in the cold hard world of Modern Journalism. She could stand to learn a thing or two from the pitfalls of reality [TV shows]. Obviously, looks are not everything.

December 03, 2004 4:34 PM  
Blogger jasien said...

I think you should buy Amy the shirt as well. That way they can enjoy the awesomeness of the shirt know, as sisters.

December 06, 2004 1:45 PM  
Blogger Amy Butler said...

Pyphphph... "Rejoyce". Just who does she think she is?

December 08, 2004 2:22 PM  

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