Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Five Packets of Polynesian Sauce

I collected them from my Chick-Fil-A visits a couple weeks ago, and now their home is the drawer in my desk at work. They keep it safe.

April 27 was 2 months and 3 days ago. Or 9 weeks and 1 day. However you look at it, Rella's taken quite the hiatus for himself. It's the longest Quailman drought since his return to fine posting form back in October. His absence also coincides with his return to his Houston home. Perhaps The Greatest Task is even more monumental than Kyle expected and he is still hard at work on compiling the list. Perhaps he is just reluctant to post on the computer at his house, but if there is a reason for this it is unknown. Shed a tear and say a prayer, the world needs its Quail info.

I was at Ground Zero Comics in Tyler last weekend. I needed/wanted to buy a few comic books, plus I'd never been in that shop before so I also wanted to check it out. Anyway there was this group of people in the corner playing that card game, Magic the Gathering. I don't know anything about it, I assume it's the latest form of role-playing game in the vein of Dungeons and Dragons, it seems pretty dorky to me. But I saw them there playing it, and the impression I got was that they regularly met there to play and they all seemed pretty serious about it. "Yikes, what a bunch of nerds," I thought. Then I got back to my business and thought "I wonder where the Star Wars comics are." Shutup.


Blogger Jeremy said...

Yes I am.

June 30, 2004 7:58 PM  
Blogger Amy Butler said...

First of all, mmmm.... polynesian sauce;
Secondly, I'm glad to see you are not only accepting your nerdy side but are embracing it as well. Kudos. And exactly how is it that I don't own one of these shirts?

June 30, 2004 9:47 PM  
Blogger Jeremy said...

Oy, good question.

July 01, 2004 9:28 AM  

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