Thursday, October 09, 2003

I've just had an epiphany. And with that epiphany my blog found meaning. My blog found a purpose. You see, I first came across the world of blogs back in the fall of 2000. I read Jack Letourneau's over at back then and checked it several times a day. Mainly because "eigengrau" was such a cool word (and still is today). But eventually that blog bit the dust when Jack graduated and when he resurrected it with more technical content, I lost interest. Luckily around that time my cousin Kyle started college and his own little blog, So that thing kept me occupied whenever I was bored in a computer lab or something. The only problem was that Rella's sporadic updates frustrated me, so back in January I had the bright idea to start up my own blog. So here I am ten months later and I've posted to the site exactly three times. What's the point, right? Well, Jukkity has just gotten a point. This site will henceforth occupy itself with updates on Kyle's blog. If Rella updates his site, you'll read about it here first. I may post non-quail related material from time to time, sure, but for the most part this will be your one-stop shop for Rella update information. Enjoy.


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